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we healed from diabetes
Marcello Pamio - May 2012 – translation by Elena Castiglione
According to the American Diabetes Association (A.D.A.): «Diabetes is an incurable chronic degenerative disease».
The statement is categorical. In fact, every medical doctor the world over knows that officially diabetes cannot be healed. Once it gets manifested, people can live with it only by becoming lifelong slaves and medicine dependent. But is it true? This is the theme of the conference that hosted more than 500 people organized by the cultural associations «Il Soffio del risveglio» and «Qui e Ora», held in March 2012 in San Giuseppe di Cassola, near Bassano del Grappa, Italy.
Chairing the event, other than myself, were Gennaro Muscari M.D., homeopath and teacher at the Verona Homeopathic School, Giancarlo Vincenti President of the Association «Diabete insieme» (Diabetes together) in Portogruaro, Venice; and last, but by no means least, four people successfully cured of diabetes, the real reason for the conference.
We started with excerpts from the movie “A Delicate Balance”, inspired by the book “The China Study”, the most complete nutritional survey ever carried out in the world; we followed with excerpts from “Raw for 30 days”, a unique experiment where six people stopped using insulin after 30 days of eating raw food. We closed with the “Gerson Method”.
I contributed with important data on the historical evolution of the disease. According to the New York Medicine Academy second bulletin, between 1871 - 1933, “Diabetes death rate in New York went from 2,1 per 100000 in 1866 to 29,9 in 1932”. Today every 10 seconds one person dies from diabetes-related side effects and two people find themselves diabetic. Something really serious must have happened in those 70 years. What happened?
Hydrogenated Fats.
So-called “hydrogenated fats” date from 1912. These fats are industrial
creations. They do not exist in nature, so they cannot be recognized by
the human body. Therefore they generate big health problems, causing
cardio vascular diseases, obesity, damaged cellular membranes and
self-immune diseases like diabetes; they decrease HDL levels and
increase LDL levels and inflammation, and interfere with insulin.
Hydrogenated fats are found in margarine, and therefore in the majority
of baked products, ice creams, chocolate, cakes, etc. Also, vegetable
oils heat-pressed mechanically, and fried oils, utterly lose their
health-giving components and become toxic for the cells and therefore
for the entire human body.
Insulin resistance.
cell has specific insulin receptors in its outer membrane. They act like
gates that open just when insulin arrives, allow glucose to enter and
remove it from the blood.
All saturated animal fats (meat, eggs, fish, milk, dairy products), plus
hydrogenated fats, accumulate on the outer cell membranes, thus
deforming the receptors. As a result, cells become unable to detect
Even though the pancreas functions correctly and insulin circulates, the
cells are unable to optimize its use and hyperglycemia (diabetes)
animal proteins, and all refined and pasteurized foods (cereals, flours,
sugar, etc.) release acid metabolic residues. Acidity increases,
alerting the entire body into activating all protection mechanism
(alkalization), and raises the level of cortisol (stress hormone)
produced by the suprarenal glands so as to resist inflammation. The
increase in cortisol on the one hand increases glycemia, but on the
other maldistributes the adipose tissues, mostly in the belly, with fat
known to contribute to insulin resistance. A true vicious circle!
milk proteins’ ability to cause type-1 diabetes is well documented»!
This hard assertion is found in the “China Study” mentioned earlier.
The reason is simple and logical: the moment casein traces arrive in the
blood, the immune system instantly reacts. The «peculiar liquid» - as
the great Goethe called it – cannot admit any substance other than the
ones existing in Nature.
Since milk protein (80-85% casein) is almost identical to pancreas
proteins (Beta cells), the immune system, in a generalized toxemia
situation, may start attacking the pancreas cells that produce insulin.
The result is infant type-1 diabetes.
Let’s think about the many newborns that, upon pediatric advice, are
today wrongly weaned with cow milk, at times from the earliest days. We
can now understand the high risk of their developing serious health
troubles. Let us also remember that a baby’s intestinal mucosa is not
yet complete and is therefore much more permeable that an adult’s.
Blood, Goethe’s “peculiar liquid”, is fundamental to bodily life. It
wets and permeates all its cells, transports heat and basic nutrients
like oxygen, and removes the toxic remains of catabolism.
Optimally, blood is a liquid. Its pH of 7.35 - 7.45 favours life and
hence health; but a dense, sticky blood, replete with toxic substances
like saturated animal fats, predisposes to all diseases, diabetes
In diabetes, even though the pancreas is properly working, insulin will
never be able to complete the task of letting glucose into the cells,
because insulin is prevented from reaching the receptors located in the
cell membranes.
Pediatric Vaccinations
Injections of toxic substances like formaldehyde (a carcinogenic agent)
and heavy metals like aluminum hydroxide (and earlier a salt of mercury)
in the still immature body of a newborn, still bereft of an immune
system that takes years to mature, lay the basis for the appearance of
serious pathologies like autism and type-1 diabetes.
Actually, medicine is aware that heavy metals (aluminum, mercury,
chrome, cadmium) block many enzymatic actions and damage almost all
organs by permanently settling in the fat of liver, brain, and chiefly
of the liver, the organ in charge of elimination.
Metals compete with enzymes: in the presence of metals enzymes are
weakened and prevented from working. In such condition of dangerous
intoxication, the enzymatic action of the pancreas and the detoxifying
one of the liver fail…
Gennaro Muscari, a homeopath for more than 30 years, has been
investigating natural nutrition since before graduation. He expounded on
what is taught in the faculties of medicine at University. First,
diabetes cannot be cured at all; then insulin, used by a diabetic
patient, after some months to some years, causes the pancreas to produce
less and less insulin, until its complete atrophy. With type-1 diabetes
this happens very quickly.
He could not imagine that after twelve to 16 years on insulin, it would
be possible to make the pancreas produce insulin naturally. No medical
doctor believes that, but as you will read from the witnesses below,
this is perfectly possible.
Muscari went on pointing out the damages of dairy products on the human
body and the link, reported by scientific studies, between type-1
diabetes and casein. The official data are clear: a vegan nutrition
causes insulin to reduce by 40% in just 3 weeks and cholesterol by 30%.
He concluded by remarking on the importance of sports, in all areas and
in diabetes in particular. What does sugar do in the blood? It is an
energy reservoir, pure energy to be used. A diabetic can avoid
anti-diabetic drugs and insulin just by using surplus sugar in the
Dr. Giancarlo Vincenti talked about his personal experience as a diabetic, discovered by a routine analysis. He didn’t know anything about diabetes. He began to attend conventions and international meetings, at last founding the Diabetes Association in Portogruaro, Venice. He expanded his knowledge, but always relying on official medicine. He felt that there was something missing, which did not square. Recently, on investigating vegetarian and vegan diets, he discovered that exceptional results, such as discarding insulin, were possible. Now, after watching the movie “Raw for thirty days”, he will move in that direction. He has not discarded insulin yet, but he is working on it, considering all the hurdles he has to overcome, such as lifelong habits and living with his family.
What follows is the most important part of the event.
Ermanno, 62, diabetic for 16 years.
first sign of diabetes was a 1994 heart attack. His life style could be
considered “normal”: little time for himself and many meals at the
restaurant. Later he had more heart troubles, till needing surgery,
followed by a second heart attack.
At this point he decided to leave his job and start taking care of his
One day he was listening to Radio Gamma 5, where he heard of the
diabetes meeting presentation I organized a year ago. For the first time
he heard that healing from diabetes is possible, as no doctor had ever
told him of it. At that time he was on 28 daily insulin units. The day
after the meeting and on his own, he broke with the past and changed his
eating habits. No more meat and milk, but large amounts of vegetables
and long daily walks. In about one month he stopped taking insulin
altogether. In March last year he went to the diabetes Centre and
everything was ok! The doctors looked at him in disbelief, but thanks to
blood analysis they couldn’t say anything…
Emanuele, 34, diabetic for 9 years.
story is incredible.
He was born with cystic fibrosis. Diabetes arrived in 2003 after a long
cortisone treatment. He tried to keep glycemia levels low by doing much
sport: today he’s a mountain bike racer (about 60 km a day). A personal
trainer checks on his preparation.
Emanuele was on as many as 50 insulin daily units. He couldn’t inject
himself in the belly anymore for its being over injected.
One day he happened to watch the DVD «Raw and simple », and after 4 days
of eating raw he discarded insulin, with immediate results. He passed
from 50 units to nine: two long-release ones for two days and a third
one for the third day. All glycemia parameters, tested six times a day
(before and after meals) confirmed that the pancreas had regained
balance. He ate and glycemia was always under 140 points.
“Raw” means eating all kind of raw vegetables and seeds (sunflower,
sesame, flax, almonds, walnuts, etc., fruit and vegetable extracts. Figs
and dates obtain the quick energy needed for heavy trainings. He lost
7.2 kg of muscular mass which he hasn’t regained yet.
Today his bike sessions show a new body improving daily: after 3 weeks
he had improved on the results of last October with normal eating; he
forgot what being tired after training meant and the bother of lactic
acid in the muscles. His new lifestyle also improved on the cystic
fibrosis, officially incurable. His former liver transaminase values
were high, now two out of three values are normal, cutting also liver
drugs by 50%. He no longer uses synthetic enzymes and integrators. Last
February 21st he met the doctors at the Cystic Fibrosis Center in
Verona. The doctor in charge was very inquiring and eager to understand
well Emanuele’s new path.
I’m sure that, thanks to his great strength and determination, during
our next international diabetes conference in October 2012 Emanuele will
have many other important things to tell us about his complete physical
and spiritual healing…
Giorgio, 72, diabetic since 1984
found out he had diabetes after a routine blood analysis. At that time
he weighed 112 kg (today he weighs 75kg) and all the diabetes-linked
problems appeared at once. Teeth began to fall, and he became half blind
following a retinopathy, to say nothing of circulatory troubles in the
legs. As no one could give him detailed information about diabetes, he
started to seriously study it himself. Step by step he got to know that
there are glycemic foods and less glycemic foods, and he moderated the
quantity of food intake. His breakthrough arrived when he understood how
he could discard the extra sugar intake by serious physical exercise. He
realized that 40/50 minutes brisk walking can bring down glycemia by 50
points. In this way he discarded insulin and he feels increasingly
better. Every day he trains for 90/100 minutes on the cyclette, and
takes long walks in the fresh air with friends. When he happens to
overeat he also increases physical exercise. Let me add that he eats
once a day!
Angelo, 50 years old, diabetic for 12 years
used to take 80 insulin units/day for a type-2 diabetes with type-1
A vegetarian for more than 27 years, he was nevertheless eating badly:
lots of cheese, refined cereals and cakes (common vegetarian mistakes),
until one day he had diabetes.
He started with raw food (vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and avocados)
and cut the 50% insuline off at the very first day.
Glycemia increased to 250-300 in the first two days. On the third day it
decreased to 60. He was afraid it could go down further, so he
discontinued insulin. Glycemia increased again to 300-350 but he knew he
was right and kept on. Only one week later glycemia decreased and
steadied at 120-130. At that moment a real miracle happened. On waking
up he found glycemia at 130. He started crying.
the past two and a half years he has not been using insulin anymore, he
feels wonderfully, he never gets sick, and his skin rejuvenated too. He
feels much more energetic, calm and concentrated. He ate raw food for
three months, then he slowly introduced potatoes, spinach, cooked
vegetables in general, beans and after some months whole cereals like
rice. Today he can also afford a pizza with friends and his life has
returned to normal.
Finally, in the region where I live, Venetia, I knew only one person
completely cured of diabetes: Angelo.
Today we have four!
Considering the social importance, the huge interest aroused and the number of people, children included, affected by this problem, we are now organizing a second important Congress on diabetes for 21 October 2012 (http://www.ilsoffiodelrisveglio.it/?page_id=624) . I can assure you that many new other witnesses will leave you with your jaws dropping…